Wondershare.PPT2DVD.v3.9.0.223برنامج يعمل على تحويل ملفات POWERPOINT الى ملفات VIDIO/ DVD
لمن يواجة صعوبة في عرض ملفاتة على اجهزة غريبة ..
Wondershare PPT2DVD V3.9 released.
* 1. Supported PowerPoint Server Pack and other third-party add-ons.
* 2 Added three options in advance setting:
* "Auto adjusts the slide size to fit screen."
* "Keep the original size of the slide."
* "Keep the original aspect rate of the slide."
* 3. Improved the audio and video synchronize.
* 4. Improved the conversion speed.
* 5. Fixed the encoding problem when record narratation failed.
* 6. Improve Interface of the guide.
* 7. Fully support PowerPoint 2007
* 8. Fully support Windows vista * 9.Fixed: If 16:9 rate was selected,an error might occor when burn to DVD.